Äitien toiminnanohjaus ja psykologinen vuorovaikutus
Elisabeth Nordenswan, Åbo Akademi 21.5.2022 Psykologi Elisabeth Nordenswan tutki väitöskirjassaan äitien toiminnanohjauksen yhteyttä heidän emotionaaliseen vuorovaikutukseensa taaperoidensa kanssa, …
The Interplay between Maternal Executive Functioning and Psychological Risk Factors in the Context of Early Caregiving Behavior: Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study
Elisabeth Nordenswan, Åbo Akademi 21.5.2022 The Interplay between Maternal Executive Functioning and Psychological Risk Factors in the Context …
Child abuse disclosure: from the perspectives of children to influencing attitudes and beliefs held by interviewers
Hanna-Mari Lahtinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto 8.4.2022 Child abuse disclosure: from the perspectives of children to influencing attitudes and beliefs …
Liikunnanopettajan tarjoama tuki lisää oppilaan kiinnostusta koululiikuntaa ja vapaa-ajan liikkumista kohtaan
Juho Polet, Jyväskylän yliopisto 18.3.2022 Testing and extending predictions of the trans-contextual model for leisure-time physical activity in …
Behavioural Crime Linking in Serial Homicide: Towards Practical Application
Tom Pakkanen, Åbo Akademi 18.03.2022 Behavioural Crime Linking in Serial Homicide: Towards Practical Application
Consciousness unbound: social simulation theory of dreaming 
Jarno Tuominen, Turun yliopisto 04.03.2022 Consciousness unbound: social simulation theory of dreaming
In Need of Leisure: Investigating the Relationship Between Off-job Crafting, Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Optimal Functioning
Miika Kujanpää, Tampereen yliopisto 3.3.2022 In Need of Leisure: Investigating the Relationship Between Off-job Crafting, Psychological Needs Satisfaction …
War, Stress and Mental Health in Adolescence: The role of meaning-making, social relations, emotional intelligence and cognitive skills
Felix Nyarko, Tampereen yliopisto 14.1.2022 War, Stress and Mental Health in Adolescence: The role of meaning-making, social relations, emotional …
Teachers’ recovery processes: Investigating the role of different breaks from work for well-being and health among Finnish teachers 
Anniina Virtanen, Tampereen yliopisto, 13.12.2021 Teachers’ recovery processes: Investigating the role of different breaks from work for well-being …